dream is toxic, sorry you have to dealt with him and his stans jawsh
Repost this, not enough people know that dream said this to jawsh originally
more toxic stuff
if you have any other examples of dream being toxic please provide a screenshot and explanation in the replies.
DISCLAIMER: this thread’s goal is to NOT cancel dream, its to help spread information that both sides in the jawsh drama are not perfect.
Explanation: Dream is trying to use important issues, like blm, to his advantage by making a low effort tweet that people will agree with. Its a form of slacktivism and virtue signaling.
btw debating is allowed in the comments, speak your mind about the matter.
jawsh has apologized for saying harsh things to people with nd. So please keep than in mind when you argue dream stans ❤️.
jawsh talks about dream’s “definition” of stan ⬆️
This one is more recent, but it is still relevant. https://twitter.com/agooserussian/status/1337547587939782657
also this person does a good job explaining it
Dream has a history of making his stans fight for him as-well. Do you guys remember drem? (The person who faked their speedrun and dream called them out about it 6 months ago.). Well dream’s stans are still attacking him and dream has never told them to stop 1/2.
Even when drem said he was getting threaten and black mailed, dream never said even attempted to stop his stans.
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