A very painful realization i had, a thread: #clerith

Was thinking about Maiden of the Planet and Advent Children again today, and I realized something.

Take a look at this passage from Maiden:
"That was where Aerith hesitated. Will she let all humans die, or was she going to avoid such a disaster in exchange for her life... But she never did think about it and was already prepared. When she did hesitate about leaving Cloud in sorrow, she would think about how it
"-wouldn't save her companions or the people of the world. She had already made up her mind. There was no other choice. It was all for Cloud, too."

If this is anything to go by, ultimately, she died for him. Saving *him* was what cemented her resolve, after she hesitated.
But that's not all I've got to say. I have to bring AC into this, too.

As stated in Case of Yuffie, iirc, geostigma is contracted by those who have lost the will to live, most of the time. That's why Cloud got it.
And you have to remember, this would have killed him.

And who cured him of it? Aerith, after finally convincing him that her death wasn't his fault and helping him realize she never blamed him. It's why he believes her when she says everything is okay. He's forgiven himself.
Aerith saved him (and of course the planet) with her death, and she was the one who kept Cloud alive, because she helped him realize that life was still worth living.

In short, I realized:

She died for him, and he went on living for her. [End] #clerith
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