"Indigenous Americans don't constitute any nations anymore because they've all been victims of genocide" is one of the single stupidest fucking takes I have ever seen on here and I'm baffled how anyone who postures as a communist can hold such a take.
I am not going to make any definitive declarations on which Indigenous groups do or do not constitute nations, and I won't deny that some groups might not even constitute nations anymore. But it requires a special stupidity to claim that NONE of them constitute a nation.
The Navajo have a common economic life. The Navajo bourgeoisie have a cattle monopoly. They have a common language that has been heavily preserved (meaning you can't use the excuse that the nation is wiped out to claim there's no common language). They have a common territory.
Canadian comrades I have talked to have pointed to groups in their countries that likewise constitute nations, that have their own various economic lives and industries that they heavily focus on, that are exploited as internal colonies by the Canadian imperialist bourgeoisie.
But you would have to be a special kind of stupid to take one look at the land struggles of the Mohawk, Lakota, Wetsuweten, and others, and completely ignore the fact that ANY revolution will have to deal with land rights and land sovereingty.
The Russian and Chinese revolutions had to allow for land sovereignty and the right of self-determination for various minority nations, including ones who had been dispossessed by Russian settlerism in the case of the former. This is no different for the struggles here.
No, the revolution cannot posture like liberals and scream "DECOLONIZE", pushing post-modernist drivel that ignores Marxist-Leninist-Maoist analysis. But my god, this is pushing so far to the right that it's flagrant opportunistic chauvinism pretending to be materialist.
Disconnected from practice, disconnected from the masses. What do the Lakota say? They demand the Yankees get off their land, stop abusing them, and stop building a pipeline. Do they constitute a nation? Investigate! Engage! Struggle! It's the only way!
If you want to be taken seriously as a communist, go out and ENGAGE with the struggles waged by the masses. The Indigenou struggle is real, it's living, and it must be engaged with and incorporated into the overall struggle of the communist movement in the U.S. and Canada.
If the communists in either country refuse to engage in these struggles, refuse to investigate the national question, and refuse to even consider the revolutionary nature of the Indigenous struggle, THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL THEMSELVES COMMUNISTS. THEY STAND WITH REACTIONARIES.
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