So with the recent doxxing of @sarahbellumPA, I just wanted to how having advanced practice providers thoroughly enriches my education as a resident. 1/
The obvious start is all of the wonderful CNMs with whom I work. At a tertiary care center our CNM division brings in the bulk of otherwise healthy laboring patients. My CNMs colleagues have taught me ~*eVeRyThInG*~ I know about vaginal delivery. 2/
We have NPs specialize in postpartum rounding, allowing residents to focus on their own postoperative patients and on medically complex postpartum patients in a more focused and structured manner. 3/
We have a robotic surgical assist PA. If she is in the OR I get significantly more time on the console. Her presence literally increases my surgical time. 4/
Without our GYN oncology NPs on both the in- and outpatient sides we would be unable to navigate the complexities of our healthcare system for our sickest patients. Plus, having an inpatient PA once again allows residents to be in the OR more consistently. 5/
Our oncology PAs help interview fellowship applicants, and rightfully so. The fellows work with the PAs every single day, why shouldn’t they be involved? Medicine is a team sport. 6/
So to any medical students or physicians who think that APPs are beneath you and shouldn’t interview for residency, you should seriously reevaluate your thinking. APPs are awesome. They especially make residency easier and you should see their presence as an asset. 7/7
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