A cop friend sent me a clip from the TV show "The Neighborhood." It deals with police and racial justice by having a mother (Genna, played by Beth Behrs) talk with her 9(?) year old son.

The premise (I think) is a black family friend was beaten by police.
Son: "So if there's ever an emergency should I still call [police]?"
Mom: "Yeah of course, sweetie. They would never hurt you."
Son: "Right, because I'm a kid."
Mom: "Actually, it's because you're white."
This isn't played for laughs. It's the message. It's a false narrative.
So naturally I was wondering, do cops kill many kids, White or Black? Since 2015 (cause WaPo data), police in America have shot and killed 8 children under 15 years old. 3 were white. 2 Hispanic. 2 black. 1 native American. (If you add 15-year-olds there are another 13.)
Of these 8 kids killed in the past 6 years, 3 were accidental victims; 3 were armed and committing violence crimes; 1 kid had a toy gun; and one 14-year-old called police on himself, armed with a knife, in what I assume is tragic case of suicide by cop.
The idea that cops don't hurt or kill white people is both wrong and dangerous. For everybody. But it's the mainstream narrative now. Written by college-grad sit-com writers, both white and black, who really have no clue about policing, or the policed.
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