Surprise Danno thread.

Really Good Actors….

Let me preface this thread with this. This is a theory supported by a LOT of evidence, but still only a theory, as we have no PROOF of any of this. So please, keep that in mind as we move forward.
One particular drop from our favorite letter puts a lot of emphasis on GREAT actors being essential for a GOOD movie. And that we are watching a Movie, or a show, has been referenced multiple times. In fact, “Enjoy the Show” has been used 74 times. 74.
Bad actors has shown up 27 times, good actors only the one time. Movie is used 27 times as well. Plus, all of the obvious movie references, clips, posters, memes, etc etc etc.
So, it’s obvious that there is a particular focus on movies, shows, acting and the like. But why?
Well, that’s where this starts to get sort of interesting.
Other than the normal bevy of squawking celebs, the rest of Hollywood has been surprisingly silent. Eerily so. I wonder why that would be? Normally they are so busy self-promoting that you can’t get them to sit down OR shut up.
We also know that all have dirt, some WAY more, like Killary levels, and others way less, like the minimum needed to survive in the sewer that Hollywood is. Those who scream the loudest are easy to identify in Hollywood.
But what ARE all those other hundreds and thousands of actors doing? Yeah, they are still making TV and movies, to a degree, but even that has slowed down significantly.
Is it possible that they are busy with another/other jobs? BIG jobs that require them to be away from Hollywood and the acting “scene”? Now what would those jobs be?
Let’s take a quick side trip here, to a thread I did a couple of months back. This is CRITICAL, so please, go read it all the way through and then pop on back to continue here.
Now in many ways, that thread is a duplicate of this one. Sorry about that. BUT there are some critical differences that time and thought have brought out.
First off, the actors might not be working off only death penalties, they may be working off lesser crimes. While most are bad, not all are fully evil.
Second, if we ARE Watching a Movie, what about those bad players in business and politics etc that didn’t want to play ball? Is it possible that they were already done away with and an actor with a mask plays that person for now?
Third, if this is a movie, and everyone is already arrested, then its logical that we could be seeing the real people sometimes, and an actor at other times. Depending on condition of the prisoner, the security, how close to others, and how much speaking has to be done.
There could easily be a whole laundry list of rules for using a double vs the real quite quickly put together with just a bit of logical thinking.
This also virtually does away with the “clone” theory. Remember Occam’s Razor and the K.I.S.S Principle. Occam’s Razor, is that the simplest explanation tends to be the correct one. KISS is Keep It Simple Stupid.
Yes, clones are possible, but why use them when you have all these actors needing something to do, and all of this already existing mask tech, ready to roll? The expense alone would argue against the cloning idea.
Plus, the clone movement is detrimental to the cause. While possible, it just makes us out to be loonies to the already incredulous sheep. We need to be taking steps forward with them, not back. Tearing down barriers to belief vs erecting new ones.
We are being told that we are watching a movie. In effect, the job is done. What’s left is waking up the normies. That’s where we are. The Election is just a way to wake the normies. There never was any risk in the election. It’s a done deal.
If you shift your thinking to look at everything that happens and is happening from this lens, it all starts to click together and make WAY more sense. It also allows you to not continually get caught up in the emotional ebb and flow of events.
Don’t PANIC, because Patriots Are Now In Control.
They have been for a couple years now 😉 All we have to do is wait it out and help our sheepish brethren to the truths once they shed their sheepyness. That is our job now. That’s what we are here for.
Another great thread about seeing double. More examples.
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