Where are we in the global vaccine race? Here are 9 top vaccines in Phase 3 trials that are being hotly monitored. 🧵

📌Pfizer/BioNTech—available soon

📌Moderna—approvals soon

📌AstraZeneca/Oxford—early results, repeating low dose w/ new trial. #COVID19
2) cont’d

📌Novovax—still in testing. No freezing needed.

📌Johnson & Johnson—still in testing. **Single dose** & no freezing needed.

Both expected in early 2021.
3) Three Chinese and Russian vaccines all got early approvals after phase 2 results while Phase 3 underway. This is very different from US/European approach to approve after P3 results. The 🇷🇺Gamaleya vaccine reported 92% efficacy but in very limited cases—unreliable data so far.
4) Where are these vaccines going? Here are the purchase orders. India went bit on the AstraZeneca Oxford one, one of the cheapest—8-10x cheaper than Pfizer and Moderna, and which doesn’t need freezing.
5) 2/3 of AstraZeneca vaccine going elsewhere outside India. AstraZeneca/ Oxford vaccine recall has 62-90% efficacy — but the 90% was from a lower dose trial that was sorta by accident. Hence they are doing another low dose trial to confirm and be extra sure.
6) US technically ordered 800 mil doses. But notice most of those are not yet available. With the Pfizer/BioNTech one soon ready for approval, and Moderna soon as well. Others not yet.
7) Finally, has each country ordered enough foe its population? Here is where the huge divide between haves and half nots emerge. Canada 🇨🇦 leads the world in the largest vaccine orders on the books! 383% of its population size! Hope it shares later ;)
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