My brother shared some thought-provoking insight with my family via text today that resonated with me.

Temples are closed. Ordinances for the dead are almost completely halted. The Work of Salvation, according to members of the Church, is on hold for millions of people.
Of course the Great Deceiver is going to want to capitalize on this time as much as possible. He is going to do everything in his power to prevent Temples from reopening and missionary work to continue. How? By fanning the flames of doubt in facts and science. (2/?)
By propagating the anti-mask movement so that the pandemic will continue to spread uncontrollably from person to person.
By planting seeds of fear about the vaccine.

By refusing to do our part to contain this illness we play directly into his hand and we all lose. (3/?)
I wear a mask because I want to go to the temple again. Elder Renlund gets it. (Fin)
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