ORT Final Chapter. Atto XXIV
"No tree it is said can grow to heaven, unless its roots reach down to hell.” Carl Jung
Before I could start my journey on the path to full awareness, I had to learn quite the few hard lessons. The I who was me a few years ago or in another reality
would not have been able to even consider the idea of self-awareness and ascension. I was going nowhere in a roundabout way. I have come to the conclusion that the I who was me wasn't ready to see, truly see. A change was needed, an opportunity for redemption. I am on the path.
Now I know and I will keep on it no matter what. There is a way to follow our progress on the rungs of Jacob's Ladder, to see if we're raising our conscious awareness. The positive aspects of 33 demands that we cultivate a determination to seek an understanding of wisdom and to
teach others how they can also raise conscious awareness.
The negative aspects of the number 33 manifest as feelings of superiority the Ego rules you. According to some sources, it can lead to fanaticism and martyrdom which is why the Catholic church identify martyrs with saints.
It is by having the right thought, right emotion and right action that we transcend consciousness. In doing so we also overcome our Ego. We need to get rid of the outdated belief systems that no longer serve us and bad habits that generate bad energy. It is therefore in our best
interest to trasmutate this negative energy.
We do so by changing our habits( Latin habitus condition, bearing, state, appearance, dress, attire, from habeō I have, hold, keep). This is the battle we have with ourselves. The habitual mind is not so easy to overcome, Ego tricks us
into believing what we are doing is the best thing for us to do. Even when the conscious mind knows what the Ego wants is not advantageous. How many times have we fallen for temptation even though we knew it was not the right thing to do? You know those moments when the Ego
tempts us into fulfilling our habitual needs and desires and even though we consciously try to resist, the emotional mind get the better of us and we give in to temptation. When we don’t make sacrifices, we don’t transform energy. Ultimately, we fail to raise our vibration and
attain the 33rd state of Enlightenment: the Christ consciousness, the Buddhahood, the complete Gnosis.
To be continued.
Good night.
As always, I am grateful for your support. We walk different paths but we walk as one because we are one and the same spark of consciousness. Divine
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