What is it with PTs and standing/walking?! I'm having to miss an hour-long (remote) wheelchair workout because a PT wanted me to practice standing today. In return for a couple of minutes on my feet, I feel like complete shit and have a head-splitting migraine.
In what world does standing for a couple of minutes outweigh an hour of physical activity that complements the way a person actually moves through the world?!

Someone please tell the bipeds that WALKING. IS. OVERRATED.
When I first started seeing this PT (free through a provincial program so why the heck not, right?), I told her what I most needed help with, but we haven't done any of those things...
We've just continued to build towards standing and walking... which is not helpful because walking better won't actually translate to walking more in my case! I would prefer working on my core stability, shoulders, and neck.
It's weird because she is actually extremely competent in many respects, but her ableism won't let her appreciate the role that physio plays for EDSers; she's certain that PT will make me essentially nondisabled if I just physio hard enough.
Like today she spent so much time telling me how there's nothing "wrong" with me "in a musculoskeletal sense". Uh... so, I dunno if they covered this in PT school, but collagen and connective tissue are actually pretty CENTRAL to the musculoskeletal system...?!
I've perfected the dead-eyed half smile for exactly these interactions with medical professionals. I'll take the useful bits and discard the rest but... just... ugh. We deserve better.
(And, no, this isn't my usual physiotherapist -- who is lovely and understands/has hypermobility... but also costs me a lot of money.)
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