"The Washington voting stats according to the official state elections figures don't make sense, you decide.

Registered voters in WA 4,873,115

2020 votes total cast 4,892,871

19,756 more votes were cast then there are registered voters.
2. This would mean, even if there wasn't the near 20,000 vote discrepancy; never in the history of voting has 100% of registered voters voted.

If 60% of registered voters voted it would be extreme at 2,923,869, at 80% 3,898,492 would have voted, near impossible.
3. Inslee votes - 2,294,243
Culp votes - 1,749,006
Write in - 13,145
Total votes - 4,056,454
Considerably over the extreme or near impossible showing that about 82% voted to get the 4,056,454 votes.
4. This would indicate a flood of votes were added

4,056,454 - 3,898,492 = discrepancies of 157,962 @ 80% voter turn out

4,056,454 - 2,923,869 = discrepancies of 1,132,585 @ 60% voter turn out
5. This would strongly suggest that voter fraud occurred similar to the claims in several other states under dispute because the numbers don’t lie.
Dominion machines are apparently used in WA."

- Christina Baumgardner
Commissioner's Office
Pend Oreille County,

- End
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