#StandWithFarmers today

Farm reform are necessary but Modi errs in asking farmers to bear the entire burden of reforms, which will benefit all sections of society.

In fairness, Modi should have proposed a transparent mechanism 4 burden sharing instead denying the burden exists.

Modi has reversed successful 90s program of liberalisation 4 industry by erecting tariff walls 2 protect large industrial houses from completion at huge cost 2 economy.

But he expects small farmers 2 compete in the market place without protection.


By erecting protectionist walls & keeping the INR overvalued, Modi compels farmers to buy inputs like fertilisers, pesticides, farm equipment at higher prices while seeking to lower the price of cereals by fading away MSP.

Worsens farmers’ terms of trade.

If the overall impact of [a] tariff walls, [b] over-valued INR and [c] a 20 to 30% fall in price of cereals is taken into account, the terms of trade that a farmer faces have worsened to a point where cereal production as currently done, produces no profit.

So far we have not even touched on the relative bargaining power of small farmers vs retailers like Walmart, Reliance, or Amazon. Markets are never perfect. Large buyers command significant monopsony.

Farmers are right to be afraid.

Reforms that touch millions of lives need to be fully explained to farmers & public alike. Modi time & again has shied away from explaining reforms or detailing how the reforms will be implemented over time.

Modi & Govt must share Plan 4 implementation.

You cannot reform an economy encompassing 1.4 billion diverse people through stealth and deception in the middle a one in a century pandemic.

This is so crazy that it defies logic. Govt must therefore now be honest & transparent with farmers.
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