1/Just went through affidavit for search warrant in Rebekah Jones case.

Special agent says DOH has a "custom-made communications application for Emergency Management." https://twitter.com/GeoRebekah/status/1336065787900145665
2/He writes that on 10/10/20, unknown user gained access and sent this message to approx 1,750 people:

"it's time to speak up before another 17,000 people are dead. You know this is wrong. You don't have to be part of this. Be a hero. Speak out before it's too late."
3/If you are not associated with Florida Emergency Support, you're not supposed to have access to the communications platform.

Special agent traced the message back to Rebekah Jones' house, notes she's not authorized to use the system.
4/He used that information to request to seize these things:

* CPUs, laptop, tablet, storage devices
* Keyboard, mouse, scanner, printer, monitor
* Items containing user names and passwords
* Numerous other things
5/FDLE accuses Jones of illegally hacking into emergency alert system.

They say they knocked/called her, say Jones refused to come to door/talk on phone.

They say their entry was normal protocol, claim they didn't point guns at anyone.

Jones obvious disagrees based on thread.
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