Loose lips sink ships
IRA / Terrorism
Don’t chat in public
Post McPherson Police Canteens and Bars were closed
Shift patterns changed resulting in little lap over
Resulting in less time officers can talk no structured debrief
Introduction of more robotic policy post Chief Constables and Senior ranks taken out of rank and file pay structures
Politics reaches frontline policing
Statistics and analysis allowed to peddle political policy at will at the frontline despite human nature being unquantifiable
Is it really any wonder there’s an increase in Mental Health and suicide in Policing?
Throw money at Police Treatment Centres by all means but the real cure is preventative policy
The cure for mental health is talking unless you are a Police Officer or Staff member ....
Then you have to rely on the ‘Policing Image’ the fashionable mental health charity ‘blue light’ brigade
Ticky boxy we’ve done what is required but no real care
Who is actually challenging this stuff? Federation? Home Office? Blue Light Champions? Mental Health Champions?
The answer is no one
So many tied up in their own importance engorging their CVs for promotion that caring stopped on Sgt promotion
Quite simply the system is failing our great British Police Service / Officers and Staff
Officers and Staff being failed daily
Experiencing the worst and sometimes deadly effects of human nature ....
but it’s ok TRIM will asses if you are broken enough to be referred for counselling
For the lucky ones a visit to the 6* treatment centre perhaps
And then there’s the complaints
Often politically led bolstered by a hungry MSM driven by pressure groups within society
Human beings, police officers and staff doing their level best against an absolute wall of frustration and often inequality all fired at colleagues
Fashionable pressure groups baying for Police Officers blood
Just who protects the protectors? Chiefs? Government of the Day? The local Poluce Service Image?
Absolutely not, no one is looking out for officers and staff apart from their own embattled and dismayed colleagues
And of course their equally embattled family members
No, British Policing is very ill folks
Society cannot expect a decent level of service as it is there is a lack of trust growing amongst communities with less calls reporting crime
Society knows Policing is broken!
When crime and intelligence isn’t being reported organised crime takes hold filling the gaps
The corrupt masters of politics, business and law take over
We are at a precipice ....
The system needs to change but who is willing to stand up?
There needs to be a Mental Health Tsar
Someone who independently cares
Someone who challenges practises beyond human nature
Someone who cuts through the red tape
Someone who simply facilitates change not acquiesces for their CV
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