Multiple people have been informed about the discovery including John Kerry, Putin, the Pope, even Buzz Aldrin. It was Aldrin who hinted back in 2016 that their was a monolith on Phobos, the misshapen moon of Mars.
Michael Salla has written extensively on this as well.
Basically these ruins under the ice present a far deeper history about our origins. That we have in fact been in contact with ET for millennia, that our history is far different. If they’re going to pull off the alien agenda it has to have real elements of truth.
The problem is they’re going to distort it so as not to expose who they are. This dark cabal that wants to enslave the world in a communist government, thinks their bloodline goes back to these alien visitors who may have crash landed in Antarctica- fallen angels if you will.
These visitors had elongated skulls like these ones in South America. Their DNA has been traced all the way to the Caucasus region by the Black Sea. Coincidence this is where the Khazarians lived? I don’t think so.
Groups like the Thule society who funded the Nazis and were the real power behind white supremacist groups, believe they are related to these Hyperboreons that came from the Arctic region. Their symbol is also the Black Hole sun. Which is what they call the Galactic black hole.
Before and during World War II the Nazis used the Vril society led by Maria Orsic, mediums Hitler used, to develop a real secret space program that eventually moved to Antarctica where they successfully developed UFO saucer craft.
If you really want to learn more about the deep state ties to this stuff watch this documentary Above Majestic with David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Jordan Sather, Salla, Laura Eisenhower to name a few.
The bottom line is the deep state is on the ropes, this is one of their last ditch efforts to keep control. Don’t buy into the fake narrative or the partial disclosure.
When this rolls out you better believe the white hats have their own narrative to use and will come out with their own disclosure. We are going to learn so much more about the secret space program.
This may seem like total fake news, but I’ve researched this extensively as have others like Jordan Sather and we know this is part of the deep state partial disclosure agenda. They think by giving us some truth they will be able to keep control. Don’t let them!
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