Trump has arrested and caught more pedophile and child trafficking rings in the world... but I bet you didn’t know that because the mainstream (George Soros funded media, global elite owned) make out that he’s a moron.
Trump will go down in history in the coming months. There is no need to panic or have fear. This whole thing is working out as it needs to for Trump and his team to remove the corruption and power that has taxed your hard earned dollar,
loaded your loans and credit cards with interest and pulled wool over your eyes.

You’re going to see some big names get called out, to the point where you won’t want to believe it.

If you still believe that 9/11 was a terrorist attack from Osama
Bin Ladin who trained donkeys to fly cessnas, which then magically upskilled into Boeing’s and flew aluminium planes into 580m steel reinforced towers that collapsed like a deck of cards, not to mention tower 7 which was a block away but folded.

You're in for a WAKE up call...
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