Thread: Why all the suits/phone calls begging to turn over the election? No, not b/c that will ever happen, not once chance. Zero. Why? B/c

1) Desperate, delusional donny trying to avoid jail
2) He makes $$ off, millions
3) GOP trades in rage (more below)
4) They *know* Biden won, and know nothing will change that. But, if they can convince the "base" (the same one who think Dems stopped MX from paying for a wall) they can keep up donations, keep up discord, and keep the rage of the "forgotten white man" So (more below)
5) The GOP has no intention of overturning the election (Biden is better for international relations, defense, Dow, all of which GOP needs more than it needs Donald)
6) They will act like its "stolen" to keep the hate/rage/blame of "elites" that's driven GOP voters since Reagan
7) So that's all it's about. Again, the GOP has 0 intention of overturning this (see every Court case, Kemp, PA legislature, MI, etc). But by saying "have hearings! Audit" they're dangling "they're keeping you uneducated white men down" that's been the GOP mantra for decades
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