ok about the tweet of last night I want to explain some things. it started to get more attention than I expected and people who I didn't know were replying so i deleted it. first I said that I was talking from my experience, from the situation in my country, I understand that in
other countries it can change, I know that men suffer from the patriarchy too, and its something that we should solve, but in my country there are bigger problems that the ones men have (here). 10-11 women (on average) are being brutally killed every day.
some years before I had included men in my movement. but from the things I saw I learned that it was not the best thing to do. they started to use the movement as something they felt they should been awarded for, or they started to say what we suffered and what not.
and they have never suffered the same because they have never been or have been seen/treated (?) as a woman by society. others started telling us how to fight for our rights when they have never been affected by the same problem as us. or they tried to teach us our own story.
/ murder
others only called themselves a feminist because they thought they could get a girlfriend. some years ago in marchs men were welcomed but they only went there to harm women. or if they didn't do that there, some would harm or even kill their partner when no one could see
some ppl started saying that now should they be sexist?, no, you can support a movement without being part of it. I know that men suffer too, and feminism will fight to stop their problems too. but at least now, here, it is not our priority. also, i'd like to add that men aren't
oppressed by the patriarchy. They are affected but not oppressed. the oppressor cannot be oppressed.
I know there are men who truly support the movement, and they are really appreciated, but others will just tell me what I suffer. some of the men who supported the movement and called themselves a feminist listened to many women saying that they cant be feminists,
they listened and understood, now they call themselves anti-patriarchy (that's what I've heard). before they called themselves allies but I think that term stopped being used because "the ally of one can be the aggressor of other" /q
I want to say that feminism is a movement that fights for the liberation of women under the patriarchy, equality is a consequence of this. it is known that feminism fights for equality. this is debated because men aren't a standard of living, women want autonomy, +
be free in our own way, feminism isn't an anti-men movement. also some people thought that what I meant was that if you're a cis man you are sexist and you can't change that (or something like that) that's not what I meant at all.
you can support us (which is appreciated and necessary) but pls use other term. it's not because we hate you. I know that not all men are aggressors but at least enough of them are because most (if not all) of the women I know have been harassed by a man. so pls understand us.
you can support a movement without looking for protagonism in it. you shouldn't need a label to respect people.

feminism is a movement by women for women (primarily)

and the fact that you don't lead this movement doesn't mean that you are less worthy than any other person
what can a cis man do to support feminism?
Don't watch porn
Don't share nudes w/o consent
Give women a space to speak about their experiences
Cut your relationships with other ppl who have harassed others
Educate yourself, you can ask a feminist for help if you don't +
understand something but don't get angry if they don't want to teach you, we are not your teachers and if you are on this website that means you have access to the Internet so you can search things on your own.
also if ppl around you wont listen to women try to use your voice. +
and other basic things. if you're a cis man who already considered yourself a feminist the only thing we ask you is to use other term rather than feminist :) (im not really sure if "anti-patriarchy" is used but you can call yourself "pro-feminism" or "a man who support feminism")
here's an analogy https://twitter.com/elAngelini/status/1201181114011922434?s=19
sorry if some parts don't make complete sense. english isn't my first language so i couldn't find the right words for some things
if you have any doubt you can comment in a respecful way and I'll try to answer. if you are being disrespectful or sarchastic I'll block you.
also, if you're a woman or trans man and don't agree with me that doesn't make you any less of a feminist and I won't stop fighting for your rights :)

pls don't attack anyone, not me, not feminists who think like me or don't, nor men who call themselves feminists
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