I understand the skepticism that comes with brands coming to play w/ ARMY but I tend to err on the side of what it can do for us and for BTS. I also think that something that started as a calculated move from the brand can evolve into them being genuinely enamored by @BTS_twt ++
and influenced by ARMY. Influence is a two way street. In as much as they want to influence us, we can influence them too.

In fact, rather than ARMY being wary of the brand influence, they should be wary of our influence. There is a human behind every brand and experience +
tells us that anyone who spends time getting to know @BTS_twt & ARMY will form any of the two opinions about us - love us or find fault in us. Sometimes those who find fault in us will guise themselves in “fake love”. BTS is quite polarizing. Which explains why those who love ++
fall deeply in love.

At the end of the day I am the one who makes a conscious decision whether my engagement results to conversion.

Case in point:
[1] I’ve always been a Downy users, so no harm done there. In fact, it helps that they now support the act I support. My Downy +
purchase unintentionally helps me support BTS.

[2] Samsung BTS phones are great but I have a rooted love for Apple so there’s that. Not even BTS can make me move.

[3] The shampoo wars was fascinating, admittedly I have used those brands once or twice even before they got into+
BTS, but I stick to a brand that has worked for me. Unfortunately they never joined the Royal Rumble.

[4] NASA joining the fun is something I support whole heartedly. Not enough people are fascinated with space anymore. We are all looking down our screens instead of up to+
the sky. So consider our engagement with them a way to get more people to get back to that curiosity of the unknown.

This list can go on so let’s leave it at this. [1] Consumers of today are very very smart. The ease of getting information around+
a product makes winning them over very difficult. [2] Engagement does not necessarily mean conversions. If the engagement does not result to conversion, then the brand will leave on its own. By that time, their non ARMY audience have already heard of BTS just by the sheer amount+
of time the brand associated itself with ARMY. So it’s a win for us nonetheless. [3] Consumers have several motivational layers for a purchase. It helps that they tug at something that is very close to our hearts. But many if not all still use several more layers to make a +

[4] As I said influence in is a 2 way street. Newton’s 3rd law of motion.

This is long enough and it’s only Tuesday. 😂
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