“The Fable of the Ant and the Ct40 PCR Test”

Or, an easy way to understand the problems with and damage done by PCR tests for COVID-19
You've probably heard of PCR tests, which are by far the most widely used for COVID-19. Yet many of us are saying that positive PCR test results - “cases” - do not reflect actual viral infections accurately. Why? Read on for a simple analogy...
Let's say there has been a big problem with houses becoming infested with ants [people infected with c19] in your neighborhood. The government says you should get tested for ants [C19] because your ants might "silently spread" to other houses! Scary!
So you say to yourself - assuming you are a rational person sans political agenda and capable of thinking for themselves vs slavishly (Slavitt-ly?) following major media and biased "experts"- "Hmm that seems strange...”
“...I remember the last time I had an ant problem [was sick with a virus] I saw ants on my kitchen counter and pantry [had symptoms]. Now I haven't seen any ants at all [don’t have symptoms], my food is fine, but the government wants me to be tested for ants [C19 infection]?”
So against your better judgement you call the "PCR Exterminator Co" to visit your house [go and take a PCR test]. You tell them you haven't seen any ants [had any symptoms]. To which they reply, "No worries, our PCR ant test is VERY sensitive...”
“... If you are infested with ants [infected], we will find out!"

So he takes a quick look around, sees no ants. Then he starts crawling around under cabinets with a light and magnifying glass, still no ants [symptoms of infection], just like you told him. But then...
...he brings out the PCR "Model CT40” Microscopic Ant Finder [PCR test run at an overly sensitive 40 cycles]. After looking at samples of dust from the corners of your kitchen with his "CT40" microscope for hours he exclaims excitedly that, "A Ha! You have tested positive...”
“...for ants [C19]! We found a single insect leg remnant [a few virus RNA molecules found by a super-amplified PCR test] and it sure looks like it came from an ant [C19 virus]!
You are “infested” with ants [infected with C19] and must quarantine your house for two weeks!"
"But", you say, "you still haven't seen a live ant [found live virus]- why does a single old dead ant leg [RNA remnant] mean I am infested with ants [infected with C19]? Shouldn't you guys just look for actual live ants [live infectious virus]...”
“...and ask the homeowner if they have had an ant problem [symptoms] before branding someone positive for ants [Infected w C19]?”
To which they reply, "we just run the tests. Dr Birx and friends told us this is the way to do it because there might be silent ant spread [asymptomatic C19 spread]. I mean it seems very unlikely to be a driver of ant problems but anyway, enjoy your quarantine!"
“Hmm”, you say, “if you had looked for ants [C19] without using the CT40 [PCR test amplified 1 trillion times], and used a less sensitive test or a different type [PCR run at 30 cycles, 1000x less amplification], would I be positive?” “Heck no! Have you seen any ants?”
To make it worse you call your neighbor to tell him about your “positive” test. He mentions that he doesn’t have any ants either [symptoms] but he does have a plumbing problem [hernia]. So he called the plumber [went to the hospital] ...
...and the plumber [hospital] required he be tested for ants [C19] too with CT40 PCR test! Sure enough they found a piece of an old dead ant so he can’t get his plumbing [hernia] fixed and has to quarantine. Yet he hasn’t seen a single ant [had any symptoms].
And he heard he was now listed in the gov stats as “hospitalized” with ants [C19]. Even worse, your old neighbor passed from a heart attack but they found an ant in his house [he had a positive test] a month ago so he’s now listed as an ant [C19] fatality!
Crazy stuff. Sure seems like if they had stuck to the pre 2020 ways of pest control [diagnosing disease] and just looked for ants [symptoms] the way it’s always been done [with a less sensitive test that finds actual live infections]...
... we’d have much better information about who really has an ant [C19] problem - which many do. And we’d be able to address it more effectively, thereby preventing the collateral health and economic damage. After all, garbage data in, garbage policy out.
Ant bits [viral RNA] will always be out there as will actual live ants [viruses]. Bad data, fear, and hiding won’t “control” them or make them magically disappear. We must live with them and adopt rational policies for the best overall public health outcome.
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