something i think non detransitioners and non dysphorics miss is that any discussion of fertility literally means nothing to someone with dysphoria. losing fertility is honestly viewed as a perk by a lot of dysphorics.
if youre going to try and explain the health effects of transition, fertility should be towards the bottom of your list of talking points. honestly, i think it should be that way anyway, as general health is more important than fertility, and there are many, many effects
of transition on general health. endocrine problems, heart problems, neurological problems, etc. seriously, know your audience. and maybe think about why you're so obsessed with lost fertility.
fertility matters to a lot of people, but it is never as important as the person themselves. if your problem with transition is that it makes people infertile and not the numerous other very important direct health consequences (of which infertility is a symptom/part of)...
then i honestly don't quite trust you.
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