Human-caused #climatechange continues to affect #NationalParks in the US including @SequoiaKingsNPS. Here are some of the historic impacts and future risks in #Sequoia, #KingsCanyon, and the region!
Temperatures have significantly increased with @SequoiaKingsNPS from 1895-2017. Precipitation trends during this time were insignificant and remain highly variable.
Research by @pgonzaleztweet in @IOPenvironment
Although CA’s 2012-2016 #drought led to mortality of < 1% of mature #sequoias in @SequoiaKingsNPS, drought severity caused by #climatechange led to unprecedented levels of drought-induced foliage dieback (some > 50%)
Research by Stephenson et al. in FEM
In @SequoiaKingsNPS, temperatures are projected to warm across all emissions scenarios while precipitation remains highly variable. Reducing #greenhousegas emissions could reduce warming by 2/3.
Research by @pgonzaleztweet in @IOPenvironment
As for future risks, rising temperatures in California have increased the likelihood of severe #drought events by mid-century. Research by Diffenbaugh et al. in @PNASNews
#Climatechange is projected to increase risk of #treemortality from #drought by 15-20% per degree Celsius increase in the Sierra Nevada.
Research by Goulden & @rbalesuc in @NatureGeosci
Finally, #climatechange could triple #wildfire frequencies and increase the number of extreme fire weather days up to 66% in California by 2050.
Research by @peedublya et al. in @EarthsFutureEiC
and Goss et al. in @IOPenvironment
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