Periodic reminder that the vast majority of Americans support Roe and the Constitutional right to abortion.
Colorado has among the fewest restrictions on abortion - no gestational limits, waiting periods, or guilt and shame lectures. #Becerra
We also have a declining abortion rate and cut the teen birth and abortion rate in half.
How? By increasing access to contraception, including free/low cost long acting reversible contraception, 12 month oral contraceptive prescriptions, and pharmacist-prescribed contraception.
Banning and/or shame and guilt restrictions don't reduce abortion - which is basic health care, period.
Empowering patients and increasing access to contraception, comprehensive sex ed, and affordable health care does.
If Congressional Republicans were serious about reducing abortion rates, they'd increase access to contraception and affordable health care.
They've done the opposite.
Because this isn't about abortion. It's about denying women power & the right to control their own bodies.
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