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So as many of you all know, I am a very easy going, laid back kind of person. As a leftist, I try first and foremost to punch right. I try not to involve myself with the petty bickering on the left...
...because we (Americans) are so far to the right that socdems are considered leftists too (which is fine btw). One thing that has bothered me on the left, though are shitty class reductionist takes like this!
It’s a meme that was dropped by @th0risy . Now I have seen this meme before and ignored it because again I don’t like to involve myself with leftist infighting.
@briebriejoy acknowledged it and said that SOME of the people who post shit like this are racist or not very bright. She then went on to explain herself (which she didn’t have to) in fucking painful detail about exactly what she meant.
AND THEN FUCKING @amazingatheist chimes in with his strawman argument and says this:
She didn’t fucking say anyone who criticizes me is a fucking racist! She said some of the criticism is racist and you want to know why? BECAUSE IT FUCKING IS! @jasonjohnson and the island of misfit black girls, fucking #khive. Have you ever been on one of their threads? its...
...fucking disgusting.
She then goes on to point that her argument is not based in liberal identity politics but its based in history and the intersectionality of black voters that have been getting screwed by the democrat party for decades.
@BernieSanders said it best, “The federal government doesn’t give a shit about black people.” That government is made up of both dems and repubs! https://twitter.com/nowthisnews/status/1151530248900685824?s=20
You then acknowledge that you are accusing her of weaponizing her identity (which she isn’t) because you think she isn’t able to come up with an argument against voting for the lesser of two evils without it because you don’t think that her identity is legitimate!
This is not only class reductionist but it goes back to LITERALLY the whole point of BLM, THAT BEING BLACK FUCKING MATTERS! https://twitter.com/TheLeftWingUS/status/1325967446247940101?s=20
So if you have made it this far in my fucking rant, lets take race out of it.
You have a surgeon, and you have clearly two options (there are more but these are the two likely options you will have). one choice is to chop off your leg.
The other choice is just give you thousands of small cuts nothing lethal just many many small cuts.
Well, obviously the best choice is to choose the latter, right? You get cut up a bunch but you will heal and not lose blood.
But what if you are a hemophiliac? What if you are anemic? What if you are both? Then both choices are a fucking death sentence.
And what if you brought this up? What if you said fucking, “Hey, these choices are going to kill me and people like me, maybe, guys, we should rethink this?”
And everyone turned and looked at you and said, “Just do what we all say, anytime you bring this up, you wanna talking about YOUR blood problem or YOUR inability to clot, its just identity politics, just vote for the greater good.”
You would rightfully accuse SOME of the people as being ableist and you’d be RIGHT!
But somehow when its about race- NO you cant do that! Its not allowed to point out the blatant racism, of a white man telling a black woman to “please do as he says”
because its a better out come for HIM than it is for HER. And for some strange reason on the left (the white left) its accepted. We are just going to ignore the BIPOC because its “liberal identity politics” and not systemic intersectionality.
And the reason why we do that is because we have the PRIVILEGED to do so. No one is going to call us out on our BULLSHIT for ignoring it.
And hey guess what? tbh, its hard. Its fucking hard for me. Why? because I am not fucking black. I don’t know their struggles, their intimate history that is passed down by word of mouth from generation to generation.
Not only do I have no idea about the black experience, I don’t HAVE TO know.
So for me, its an inconvenience with every discussion to have to navigate a field I don’t know shit about, to me it’s a detour to the path we are all on, but its not a detour, that’s the journey we all need to take.
And you can see the white frustration in these takes with amazing atheist or xanderhal or vaush or noam Chomsky.
SO WHY then? Why do I go out of my way to listen, to learn, and to take BIPOC words and perspectives seriously or damn near the gospel?
1.They are the first to get whatever punishment that happens, and the last to get any reward.
http://2.Itʉ۪s right position to take. Its just plain damn simple right.
http://3.It  is the ultimate practice of solidarity.
“I said then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element, I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.”
4. As a leftist we choose to be with the marginalized and the outcast not because there is a material benefit for ourselves, but because through solidarity there is a material benefit to everyone
I am tired of these bad faith arguments being hurled at her. I will NOT tolerate it
You can fairly criticize her. I will not block you I will not mute you.
But if anyone comes at @briebriejoy in BAD FAITH, you are also coming for me.
And let me tell you what will happen…
I will gently take your hand like @marwilliamson did to @rubinreport and I will politely, meticulously flay your argument inside out. I will expose your ignorance and I will let you know that now, its ok. Its ok because now you know better and to not have it happen again.
The left wants to talk about a #generalstrike, well how the fuck are supposed to organize a general strike if you have NO GOD DAMN SOLIDARITY?!
FIRST is the solidarity THEN comes the action.
It is why I advocate for it so much and I believe in the “CUM” pledge (even though it’s a shitty acronym). IF you can’t show solidarity in your discussions with the left then you aint practicing solidarity
and you are in fact hurting the left.
This shit, I will not put up with.
Y'all have been put on notice.
[end thread]
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