
Don't judge streamers off of their equipment or quality at first glance. some of the best people, funniest entertainers, or potential world changers, come from financially unstable backgrounds and may not have the ability to splurge on full elgato setups.
I know, because I am one of those people. I live paycheck to paycheck as we speak. heck, im waiting on my twitch payout this weekend so I can pay a few bills. My good camera and background came from my music career, and my community got my pc. everybody doesnt have that luxury.
Lower budget streamers deserve respect too. who knows, you could be one of the people that build the foundation for that person to make a living doing this and upgrade to the best of the best. You could be that one. Show streamers love, regardless of equipment.
This was my actual quality a year ago. I had literally just gotten married and had been fired from my job.

I have the same energy and fire that I do now, but there’s no telling how many people scrolled past because of the quality. What if I had quit back then?
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