BLM Thread

I'm going to set up an open challenge!

Over the summer there was a Congressional Hearing about "Antifa"

I spent 10 years in the Air Force, 3 years working with the VFW in some capacity on a VA campus. I have EXTENSIVE experience with Veterans and military people. /1
The past 5 years I spent living in Vancouver, WA and saw Joey Gibson establish and grow Patriot Prayer in Vancouver/Clark County WA in 2016.

I've seen and interacted with LOTS of Proud Boys from 2017-2019 while working at with the VFW. /2
I've seen mostly all Patriot Prayer has done in Vancouver over the past 4 years and Proud Boys for the past 1 year. I've seen EVERYTHING the Proud Boys have done in Portland during these 2020 #BlackLivesMatter protests from May thru Sept. /3
I have received plenty (300-400) death threats from June thru Sept by Patriot Prayer, Proud Boys, MAGA and other White Supremacist groups in the greater Vancouver/Portland region because I gave free food and drinks to #BlackLivesMatter events, protestors, and homeless camps. /4
I've been followed, both in person and online, tracked, and at times face to face with Proud Boys without their knowledge, presenting news/safety alerts for the public. Ive been maced, hit with objects, and among groups with guns pointed at us, because I gave free stuff away. /5
I am happy I was able to give away via my own money/crowdfund, $15k in food/supplies for people in need in #Portland. But whats next? How do I use this energy and knowledge I have to keep fighting for #Blacklivesmatter , equality, and TRUE Freedom and Justice for all? /6
Things need to change and be seen on a NATIONAL level!!!

And to fo that, Congress Men/Women & Senators need to put this information in front of the people.

Its time to get congressional hearings on White Supremacist Groups & #BlackLivesMatter from a disabled Veteran and more /7
If you've got this far, you know everything I've done for Portland May-Sept and didn't ask for a single thing nor got anything from it minus just helping the people. Boost the message and lets get this going. @chadloder @ReesusP @MacSmiff this is how I can keep fighting. /8
@wapo @wweek @AOC @PattyMurray @OJRCenter @Trunk @Claudio_Report @IwriteOK @R3volutionDaddy @RepPeterDeFazio and all the rest I could tag...

Help me get my story/narrative out there and flip the script.

Thanks and fin!!!
Only thing I ask is to share in hopes the right people see this and take it seriously...
You can follow @JustADoug2.
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