Someday, I want to travel to France as an anthropologist to do an ethnographic study there, so I can judge their behaviours and tell them who they are hehe lols 😂
Someday, I want to travel to America as a geographer to do a cartographic study there, so I can name their places after those in my country. "New Katagalugan" lels 🤣
Someday, I want to travel to Italy as a preacher to do a evangelical mission there, so I can convince them to leave their savage, land-based gods and saints and choose my deities of the ocean. Hahaha 😬
Someday, I want to return to England to be a humanitarian again because folks there are dying of covid; lack public housing and livelihood; and really need a dignified life. Hehehuhu
Someday, I must travel to Germany as trader, so I can interact with noisy tribes in pubs & collect exotic beer glasses. A nice addition to our "Cultures of Europe" exhibit. Those German tribes break the glasses & couldn't even take care of their stuff. I do this for humanity. 🧐
Someday, I will travel to the Netherlands as a labour fixer because we need Dutch workers to build the reclamation projects in the Philippines as the seas rise. Also, we must ship sand from the Low Countries to Southeast Asia, according to our plan for Sustainable Development. 🙃
Someday, I will journey to the exquisite prairies of Canada to do investigative journalism on how the tyrannical Justin Trudeau holds onto land that white supremacist terrorists have been stealing from Indigenous peoples. I will win an international award someday. Autograph soon.
Someday, I will go to Switzerland as a conservation expert for European wolves. I will relocate the people of Geneva and help establish a national park there. It will still be open to tourism. But first, I try to marry a local. Later, I will be a revered professor there nyahaha.
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