1. Limit undisclosed political spending by passing the DISCLOSE Act and the Stand By Every Ad Act. Pass the Honest Ads Act to address ads on the internet.
2. Empower ordinary Americans to be heard over big money by funding small-dollar matching programs for federal elections.

3. Crack down on “straw donor” donation schemes.
4. Hold dark money groups accountable by fully funding the IRS so it can enforce rules about what nonprofits can and can’t do in our elections.
5. End gridlock at the FEC by allowing commissioners to launch investigations, fully funding the FEC and changing the law so more citizens can bring campaign finance lawsuits.
6. Close the revolving door. This one is tough, but we can start by requiring five year “cooling off” periods for former elected officials and two years where former appointees and former lobbyists can’t touch things they used to work on.
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