Watson admits under oath that ballot counting went on late into the night after all observers were gone, including the media.

GA SOS is claiming no one told them to leave, they just left on their own, but video shows otherwise.
This is Rudy's Team presentation of the Surveillance video from State Farm Arena tabulation room.
Here they show the room being cleared out

The Lady in the Blonde Braids we all know is Shaye Ross, daughter of Ruby Freeman, who is also there in the Purple shirt that says Ruby on the front.
This is Richard L Barron, he's the Fulton County Election Director, his direct Supervisor is Gabriel Sterling with the Sec of State office.

Barron admits he's the one that told them to continue counting, but his timeline doesn't match the video.
Here they show the time that the Fox Crew and observers leave

Now according to Barron they were still there when they began counting again and that's a lie. He also said two supervisors showed up before they left which again is a lie.

Want to know why he's lying?
Well this is the meeting to vote to recertify, and at first he's claiming to debunk this video, at first he says says he's gone through everything with the SOS investigators and the video,

Then in the same breath says he hasn't even seen the video. Barron is a joke
And here's the continuation of Shaye Ross & Ruby Freeman & crew pulling out the votes and going back to counting, after the observers are gone and there is no Election Supervisor or SOS Investigator there as Barron claims, of course he's never seen the video when he said that
Barron is just going by what Gabriel Sterling has told him, he has no idea. He's just repeating talking points as were given t him. And his timeline is all over the place.

If he has to testify in court he is toast under cross examination.
Here's the progression continued
And more counting
And counting is over and then the Observers return to see if what they were being told was true and it was
Now Shaye Ross and Ruby Freeman who up until this point lived on Social Media all the time on all platforms, FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram and Periscope, suddenly are shy now and have taken down all their accounts.
Now @CarolynRyanTV tried to interview Ruby but she backed out and Lawyered up
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