We really need people to start using "Transphobe" instead of "TERF" in the general case. The vast majority of transphobes don't give a shit about Sheila Jeffreys or Mary Daly, they hate trans people and that's it.
The scapegoating of feminism has served a dual function of allowing transphobes to present resistance to transphobia as misogyny and a war between trans people and "Women".

The word TERF was coined to address fractures within feminism over transphobia, not as a catch-all.
I get how this seems as pointlessly nit-picky, but the perception that trans liberation struggle is a fight against women (when a large and scary contingent of the organised transphobic movement are men talking about war and heads on spikes) has been weaponised against us.
Call transphobia, anti-trans discrimination and hostility, what it is. It's got a name. It's not (in general) a feminist position to be transphobic. The vast majority of actually engaged trans activists have a very long history working within the feminist movement.
PS: Fringe additional issue that "TERF" raises is that misogynist dickhead men *do* in fact use it to refer to nearly any feminist, woman they think is a bit of a bitch, or whatever. We don't need their involvement, deflecting transphobia off themselves. https://twitter.com/9BillionTigers/status/1336061982483513346?s=20
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