Thread: The Gift of Genius

(Tapping into Your Divine Intuition)
🔑 Questions we’ll be exploring in this thread... ❓

- What is genius?

- What is intuition?

- How can you access genius through intuition?

Let’s begin...
1st, what is genius?

The word genius is Latin in origin, defined as an attendant spirit present from one’s birth.

One’s innate ability or inclination.

Meaning genius isn’t something reserved for the select few.

It is the divine spark within, the whisper of your highest self.
Genius is where innate abilities intersect with relevant skills that maximize those abilities.

If you allow yourself to...

❇️ Realize your natural talents

❇️ Uncover areas to apply them

❇️ Cultivate expertise in those areas

You will discover your zone of genius.
Of course, this is easier said than done...

How do you connect with your innate abilities if you don’t know what they are?

How can you connect those abilities to relevant areas and apply them in the real world?

This brings us to our 2nd 🔑 question...

What is intuition?
Your intuition is something you are always connected to, and always using.

The problem is that you are most likely using it blindly and unconsciously.

The key to fully accessing your intuition lies in experiencing it through conscious awareness.
Think of it like this ... 💭

There is this internal part of you that knows exactly what you need to do in order to experience what is in alignment with your highest ideal.

These desires can be thought of as the desires of your heart ♥️.
The more conscious awareness you have around the desires of your heart, the better you become at bringing those desires into the external world.

Who do you see when you envision your ideal self?

How do they think?

What do they say?

How do they act?

How do they live?
So much of your conscious connection to intuition has to do with clarity around who you “really” are.

And the only way to find out who you “really” are is to unravel the aspects of your identity that have been given to you by your experience of life.
To enhance your connection to intuition, I recommend you start by reflecting on these two questions...

- What do I believe to be true about myself?

- What do I believe to be true about myself in relation to the world?

Write/type your answers by letting your HAND guide you.
Let the answers “flow” out instead of thinking through them.

Once you’re done, THEN go back through and consciously reflect on your answers.

Then ask yourself ☝️ more question...

- How much of this is from my inner most self?

Repeat this process as many times as you need.
Now, onto our 3rd and final question...

How can you access genius through intuition?

My recommended practice is a simple, but highly effective one...
First ☝️

Find a place within nature around where you live.

The place HAS TO inspire some feeling of beauty or wonder within you.

Second ✌️

Hold an intention on your way to that place, and then take a walk for 15-30 minutes.

Be as present as you possibly can while walking.
As soon as you’ve finished with your walk...

✍️ write

🗣 record

🎥 film

The first THREE internal sensations you experience relative to your intention.
To provide an example...

Let’s say your intention is...

“I desire clarity around my innate gifts”

Then, let’s say the first three sensations you capture after your walk are...

1. The vision of a skill or profession

2. A memory of a book or video

3. A feeling of fullness
The experience of the above would give you DIRECT INSIGHT into where you should be focusing your time and attention.

This is something anyone at any phase in their personal or professional life can benefit from.

There is always more to discover within.
Working with these practices will increase your intuitive feedback.

The stronger your intuitive feedback, the more accessible the state of “genius” becomes for you.

Discover and act on the desires of your heart.

Grow closer to your ideal self.

Thank you for reading. 🙏
If you’d like to learn more about...

🧬 Tapping into your innate genius
🔥 Connecting with your intuition
✨ Cultivating your “inner knowing”

These are all topics I discuss in further detail on my free weekly email newsletter.

You can sign up here 👇 
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