1 - Which political party has been around for 28 years & has managed to achieve just one seat in the House of Reps?

2 - Supporters of this party think it`s founder saved the Franklin from being damned

3 - Their leader also supports more Coalition government
4- How many times did this political party stop Australia from having an cap&trade ETS?

5- Is Europe achieving more on Climate Action than Australia?

6- Which model should Australia follow on Climate Change, Europe, the US or ?
7- Should an abuser be allowed to manage/control those abused?

8- Is opposing major steps to fight climate change akin to denial?

9- How many actually understand what a cap& trade #ETS actually is & does

10- Should the fight against AGW be above politics?
11- The EU began an cap&trade #ETS in 2005 after the first model failed

12- This new model leads the world in the CC fight & renewables uptake

13- The EU is made up of many countries yet they work together for one Earth saving goal, fight CC & go renewable
14- Australia cannot do this because political & corporate pressure stops it

15- Luckily in Australia the States have gone against their Federal counterparts laying out renewables

16- Why have you voted for for parties that have stopped us from achieving what the EU has?
17- So YOU who vote for a political party that opposes Australia joining in with the EU in the CC fight want the moral high ground

18- So YOU who put in place the former Liberal PM`s simple [but repeal-able ] tax on coal want to preach to us again
19- So YOU who denied Gillard`s Australia it`s second chance at a cap&trade #ETS after Rudd want to dictate terms on fighting CC

20- WE see you for what you are, #TreeTories & relevance seekers

21- Any who do not know how an cap&trade #ETS works, links next tweet
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