This is a thread on both the ancient and new wonders of the world. The first seven are ancient. Thank you for engaging ❤️👍🏽
Temple of Artemis, Ephesus.
Wow. This structure has a 400-foot-long terrace.
Great pyramid of Giza, Egypt.
It's the only surviving ancient wonder till date
The hanging gardens of Babylon.
Ever imagined gardens 75 feet in the air? How did they water them?
The statue of Zeus, Olympia.
A 40 feet tall structure of the king of gods.
The colossus of Rhodes.
A 100 foot tall man that stood for 60 years. Lol, can never be me
Mausoleum of Halicarnassus.
A 135 feet high structure. Ever wondered how they built these things without modern engineering techniques?
Lighthouse of Alexandria
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The great wall of China.
This great shi took two millenia to build! Wow! Wanna take a trip? C
Colosseum at Rome.
Home of gladiator and animal fights. It used to hold 50k spectators. A lot more than most premier league stadiums
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Taj Mahal, India.
This took 22 years and 20k workers to build. Fun fact? A king built it for his wife lol
Christ the Redeemer, Rio Brazil.
This is 98 feet tall. It's base is also 26 feet tall 🤯. Fun fact? Jesus has been struck by lightning a lot of times that his thumb has blew off
Petra, Jordan.
This is one of the supposed place moses struck a rock to give water.
Machu Picchu, Peru
Chichén Itzá, Mexico.
This amazing structure is 79 feet and has 365 steps for each day of the year. Wow😱.
End of thread. Hope you learnt something ❤️. Follow me please for more contents.
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