The Parable of ‘Before the Law’ by Franz Kafka

A Warning to Those Who Desire Achievement

But first, if you're not familiar with the parable, here is a brief summary:

We are introduced to the Gatekeeper.

Soon a man comes “from the country” seeking entrance to the Law and is told he can't come in “at the moment.”
The man from the country thinks and asks if he can have access later.

To which the gatekeeper replies, “It is possible, but not now.”
All the while, the door remains open.

The man catches a glimpse inside.

The Gatekeeper notices and with a chuckle he says:

“If it tempts you so much, try it in spite of my prohibition. But take note: I am powerful. And I am only the most lowly gatekeeper.”
Up against these difficulties, the man from the country thinks that the Law should be accessible for all.

Intimidated by the Gatekeeper, he decides to wait for permission to go inside.
There the man sits for years. Occasionally asking to be let in and being denied.

Then he resorts to gifts and other bribes.

The Gatekeeper accepts the gifts, “I am taking this only so that you do not think you have failed to do anything.”
Years pass. The man from the country grows into an old man.

Still awaiting entry to the Law and now moments from death, he gathers his last bit of energy for one final plea to the Gatekeeper.
The Gatekeeper accommodates his plea, “what do you want to know then? You are insatiable.”

The man says, “Everyone strives after the Law, so how is it that in these many years no one except me has requested entry?”
Realizing the man from the country is hard of hearing and near death, the Gatekeeper shouts,

“Here no one else can gain entry, since this entrance was assigned only to you. I’m going now to close it.”
What does this parable mean to you?
If you have any wants and desires at all in business, sport, or life, *that* is the LAW.

YOU are the man from the country.

And your MIND in the Gatekeeper.
I share this parable with you because I find it valuable to reflect on this story as a message of one human's personal journey.

As an allegory of how the human mind project’s resistance up against achieving your dreams.
The man had faith. What he lacked was the will to take the leap.

He succumbed to the dread of the unknown.

In the end, it cost him everything when he realized the door was only for him all along.

If you are to embark on your personal journey you must conquer that voice.
If you seek the highest levels of your field, you don't need permission.

YOU are the Gatekeeper.

Take the time to decide what you want.

You already possess the power to manifest anything and everything you desire.
Humans will wait their entire lives for permission to achieve their dreams.

If you know it’s all a charade, what would you do?
If you made it this far, I humbly thank you!

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