What’s so funny sis is this is EXACTLY what happened during the George Floyd and Breonna Taylor protests in my neighborhood this summer. Im bout to do a thread and tag you. https://twitter.com/realkhivequeenb/status/1336011061288263680
So iighte boom @RealKHiveQueenB made a strong ass point RE: Armored security and the privatization of police forces by corporations because that’s exactly what happened in Chicago this summer.
Now I live in a predominantly Black suburb on the out skirts im the last terrain of Cook County its pretty quiet over here but Chicago Heights (our neighboring town) has a ton of gang activity and Ford Heights is one of the poorest zipcodes in the nation (its fucked up)
So of course, during the summer the GD’s, Stones, Foes BD’s and Lords came together to support protesters on the ground outchea in honor of BLM. We got a little of everybody out this way tbh lol. But heres the kicker, when we protested police the businesses responded POORLY.
So during one of the march days, I go to a “NBPOC owned gas station” and I see these fuckin clowns standing outside the shit with german shepherds and ASSAULT RIFLES strapped to their fucking backs with fake ass badges. I damn near didn’t go in that btich cause I was THREE HOT
Of course my mom was just like “yeah let these fools try it” but me I was like nah fuck that call the township and shut these muthafuckas down because i’ll be gotdamn if yall start harassing the RESIDENTS of this area with racist bullshit for defending our fucking rights.
So we called city hall and apparently they had been receiving complaints about the dogs being too aggressive but apparently the gas station had the “authorization to have armored security protect their place of business”.
I decided then that it was absolutely time to go to the A because them “POCs” wouldn’t DARE pull that shit in Orland Park. The next day folks were still protesting but them dogs were gone.
That’s why I implore young Black people to stop letting these goofy ass yt kids with dirty ass G fazos on and nose rings insult yalls emotional intelligence and get yall so hyped that you disrespecting your elders because when the dogs come out they’ll be attacking YOU not THEM
For many of these yt kids, this Black Lives Matter shit is a fad, its the cool thing to do while “finding yourself” in college. Trust me the SAME YT assholes who discriminated against me at my job were the same ones bragging about “wearing corn rows in the early 2000’s” 🙄
Like this woke shit is a FASHION STATEMENT for many of yalls little yt friends looking to rebel who will see that this kneegrow shit aint as nice as they want to believe and after college they’ll get into roles just to keep the status quo going. Will pretend we don’t exist again.
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