I have people asking me how I still believe that Biden has a zero chance to become president, so I’ll try to explain, I have seen enough proof that shows 💯 fraud on a large scale, the fact that Democrats, are so afraid of an audit, just confirms it
Every judge ruling so far, has been either scary biased, at best trying to get away without rulings, no Judge has yet excepted the claim of fraud, and allowed to review the evidence, and in those few times, they did allow, fraud was uncovered
now most conservative feel, that the Biden party, has an intention to bring into the US Communism and socialism, what we saw in the past few months, from the Covid rules, confirms that times a đź’Ż, they left
Nothing to be conspiracy theories, they showed every sign of a communism
Three controlled media, just put the certification on it, all communist countries control the media
So far Democrats have not moved from there original claims, there is no fraud and shot up, and at the same time, republicans in the same time, put together mountains of evidence
Supreme Court, has real strong conservative judges, they see what we see, they know what’s at stake, even their branch of government is in jeopardy, if they don’t rule on this, they will not use the same biased stupidity, they are normal people, they are not corrupt
And from another angle, everyone know for years that cheating is happening, especially this year, with the last minute changes in the rules,Trump most of knowing about all this, so far we don’t see anything that he did to protect himself
Trump is a master in tricks, he is in a way an inventor on manipulation techniques, the art of the deal, is one of it, techniques are never straight up, it’s allows, from an unexpected angle, also Trump is an actor, he had his own, Saturday night show
When you watch #MSM, you see those people can put up a show, Reality doesn’t matter, so everyone should ask, why doesn’t he put up a show of strength, he can do it, without a doubt
He know this is a swamp that includes Democrats and Republicans, and the only way to clean it up, is exactly the way it’s going, the fraud has been done so stupid, that it actually fun to see it all unfolding, he is a smart man, and always plays with people’s brains
I’m convinced that he has a plan, and so far no one has seen any plan
What else you don’t know about the Jews, that we make up half the the charity giving from the nation, that police never get a call for violence, while all those on the top, give their charities for meaningless causes, feeding their addiction to climate change, saving birds
Things we can’t control, saving a animal while there are people who don’t have a want to eat, #WeThePeople do real charity
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