Every year, our staff shares the things we’ve tried and liked. In 2020, finding something was...tough, but we’re happy to present this thread of gear and gadgets we genuinely loved 🧵
When you're staying home, you need a good way to listen to music. @mat actually got his Audio-Technica record player last year, but being in one place meant he didn’t need streaming services, and he could play his records at home in all their vinyl glory 🎶
2020 has felt like the year of sameness, especially when it comes to clothes. @shopnuuly has been a way for @scootes to try outfits she’d never wear again (gold blazers!). Nuuly led her to discovering a love of jumpsuits, and that's a real takeaway.
A lot of us have learned the value of lighting on Zoom calls this year. For @venessawong, it was worth it to pick up a selfie ring light so her colleagues could actually see her staring blankly during meetings. In 2020, there’s meaning in not disappearing into the darkness 💡
2020 has taught @ZiaThompson21 the importance of watching your 💰, and she says @meet_cleo is the rare money-saving app that's actually user-friendly. Cleo functions as a chat bot and will actually roast you if you're spending too much money — if that sort of thing works for you.
Stuck at home, @davidmackau threw himself into learning to be a better cook. A lot of credit goes to the @nytfood app — has thousands of recipes, is wonderfully curated, and has a section for new cooks that goes over important basic techniques 🥘
If you’re always looking for new biking or running routes, @_loganmcdonald recommends Strava Routes. You can build your trips down to the block, see popular routes, and get a real sense of the road ahead. Be sure to check those privacy settings though.
Sleep hasn’t always come easy this year, but the @mybearaby Napper weighted blanket was a godsend for @juliareinstein. It keeps you cool, doesn’t shift around or make noise throughout the night, and is sustainably made 😴
One day, you will grow old and your hair will suffer the consequences. To postpone the inevitable, @sarayasin recommends @olaplex No. 3. It’s kept her thinned-out hair healthy, with fewer breakages.
Wanna experiment with different hair colors without having to actually dye anything? @caro1inehaskins discovered this year that wigs are fun to wear around the house for no reason, *and* you get to try out that hot pink look risk-free 💁‍♀️
Growing your own tomatoes is easier than it seems. For @JaneLytv watching them grow has done wonders for her mental health.

And once you’ve tasted homegrown tomatoes, neither you nor an overjoyed Freya will go back to buying them 🍅🐶
Also recommended by @mat: the @aPotforPot mini complete pot grow kit. Mat still hasn’t successfully grown weed with this kit, but it comes with everything you need to grow cannabis in your own home — except seeds.
Below Deck is the true reality TV show champion of 2020, according to @JohnPaczkowski. Among the plotlines: an impromptu wedding for two drunk guests, social media influencer charter guests, and someone’s very bad laundry system 🥴
Getting your hands on a PlayStation 5 is no small feat. But if you can nab one, @hardin says, its fast load times, 4K graphics, clean user interface, and amazing control make the console feel next-gen 🕹
If you’re someone with friends scattered across the world, group WhatsApps have probably been a lifeline. For @azeen, waking up to messages from her friends in London, and then hours later hearing from friends from California, got her through this year.
Sure, you could have played Animal Crossing this year. Or you could have been like @JohnPaczkowski and played Mortal Kombat 11, an unwholesome game that's perfect for family bonding by eviscerating an opponent with a chainsaw 😱
Health app @noom has helped @CraigSilverman unlock a new level of well-being and weight loss. The revelation is the food log, which tracks what you eat and keeps count of a daily calorie budget. By using the app’s quality guide, he lost 20 pounds in just over two months 🙌
If you're a former gamer who's nostalgic for a D&D fix, @dvergano recommends @SSkorkowsky’s YouTube channel. He posts fun reviews of adventures gone wrong that are a balm after a bad day and short enough to still get to bed on time when your days of rolling 1D20 are behind you.
For people like @PranavDixit who can’t stop taking photos on their phone (42,701 pictures and counting!); Google Photos is a way to relive all those memories of a time when life was...well, not this. Be warned: Free unlimited storage is coming to an end.
It’s the year 2020, and you can buy a T-shirt made of crab shells from @Allbirds. For @scottlucas, his TrinoXO Tee was perfect for his T-shirt needs 🦀
. @RMac18’s cat Cricket is a very good girl who sometimes gets lost while wandering in the backyard. To prevent a permanently lost cat, he’s outfitted her with a Tile bluetooth key finder. Now Ryan doesn’t need to worry about his cat, and Cricket looks stylish as hell to boot 😻
Another work-from-home essential: The PRW+ laptop stand can easily convert into a standing desk and has made @KendallTTaggart’s long days connected to the world through her laptop a tiny bit better.
. @katienotopoulos had her second child this spring as the coronavirus was surging. She couldn't have a doula in the delivery room, but @mavenclinic allowed her to chat with one beforehand.
If you’ve loved Yoga With Adriene, @ambiej suggests cutting out the YouTube intermediary and buying her app. It’s well designed, has all her videos, and there's even a members-only vlog where Adriene sips tea and reads some poetry 🧘‍♀️
A lot of people have developed work-from-home habits this year. For @juliareinstein, a pink Slinky she keeps on her desk has become her go-to fidgeting device. She’s played with it on mute on long Zoom calls, and people were none the wiser (ED NOTE: I *was* none the wiser!)
When public libraries closed earlier this year, @katienotopoulos was unable to find books for her preschooler. Buying used books for children through the Book Bundler saved the day, and the more you buy the more you save 📚
BONUS TWITTER EXCLUSIVE RECOMMENDATION: @morroweric (the person writing this thread) heartily recommends @PBS Passport. Antiques Roadshow and Ken Burns docs are perfect to watch after a long day, and it'll be a while before you run out. Plus, you're supporting public media.
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