0/ $DAI - The Holy Grail of Crypto
1/ Some thoughts on $DAI, why we chose it at @SportX_Project, and how we can bootstrap adoption further with mainstream users
2/ @MakerDAO achieved the holy grail of crypto with $DAI:

A censorship-resistant, collateral-backed stable coin
3/ By eliminating volatility and the requirement for a trusted intermediary, MakerDAO has created a stable, trustless medium of exchange for the decentralized finance ecosystem
4/ The growth in $DAI over the last 12 months has been staggering:
5/ $DAI has been the reserve currency of @SportX_Project since our initial beta launch in 2019

We've incorporated other currencies (like $ETH), but the vast majority of trades are still done in $DAI
6/ While the MakerDAO CDP/DAI system is technically impressive, we’ve found that non-crypto users struggle with the complexity.

This has hurt adoption for us, and for the $DAI ecosystem at large.
7/ $DAI mainstream adoption is a simple formula with three factors:

✅ Easy Access + 🛒 Use Cases + 📚 Education

We'll explore each in more detail:
8/ ✅ Easy Access

Mainstream users have had difficulty in the past buying converting fiat currency into DAI...

Thankfully, businesses like @MoonPayHQ @sendwyre @RampNetwork @PayTrie @bitbuy are making it easier and easier to access every day
9/🛒 Use Cases

The amount of use cases for using $DAI has exploded in the last 12 months:

Just within the DeFi space, you can:

> Lend it with @compoundfinance @Dharma_HQ
> Trade it with @UniswapProtocol @matchaxyz
> Bet it with @SportX_Project @DegensBet @AugurProject
10/ 📚Education

For us, the mainstream sports betting audience has little knowledge about crypto, let alone $DAI

It's therefore imperative we teach them about:

> What a decentralized stablecoin is
> How DAI maintains its peg
> How to buy and sell DAI
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