A friend of mine is seeking a new exec operating role.

She mentioned that 2 of her advisors were telling her she'd never get the package she wants. That the co (startup) couldn't match her current base comp + gives her the upside of the IPO.

I told her to get better friends.
The job is about building a culture of innovation. And she has a proven track record of doing just that.

The company is in major trouble (if you saw that Fortune piece about the 5 CEOs who lost their job for enabling racist cultures, it's one of those cos), so they *need* her.
I argued that actually, the *entire* future of the company is dependent on fixing the culture.

And so what is that worth, I asked her to evaluate.
Also, the market the co seeks to address is severely limited by the company's existing whiteness issue.

What is that missed market opportunity sizing, I asked her.
The value, therefore, is not about the difference between say 50 or 100K in base pay.

The value is in being relevant or dying off.

And again this is a *preeminent* leader in the culture space.
She said, yes but x person who is advising me is SUPER rich (so she must be giving me good advice).
And, the Y person who is advising me has this BIG title
(so she must be giving me good advice).

And I cannot tell you how sad it is to watch this play out.
It's how power powers ideas.

Social status (rich) is telling this woc that she can't get what she wants.

Org status (title) is telling her she can't get what she needs.

And I who stood in front of her to reflect her actual capacity and the value of market fit? Dismissed.
I know she's indoctrinated by how power works. By sexism and racism and patriarchy and all of that.

But, still, if you can't see how power powers ideas, you can't distinguish if you're being gaslighted by your own "friends".
If people are telling you how things have always worked ...


Noticing what value only you can create, and how to do so.

Get better friends.
Or, at least, listen to the ones actually rooting for you.

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