For the second day in a row, I have had to change the scale on my graph to accommodated the number of #Covid19Cymru cases. Whilst I don't rule out an explanation other than cases are increasing fast, in the absence of any statement from @PublicHealthW to allay fears, ...
I have to assume we're in a bad way.

7-day average: 1525 (UP 174*)
R (estimate): 1.34* (UP 0.12*)

*I don't place much store by today's R estimate or increase in the average, because last Monday's figures were suspiciously low (i.e. I think they were wrong).
Ceredigion saw a further 21 cases, which sees the 7-day average rise to 18.14 (UP 2.14). That is the (equal) highest it's been in the county.
There were 2 deaths recorded today. Needless to say, that is almost certainly not a true reflection of the number of deaths. Last Monday recorded 3 - though I only recorded 1 because the data reported didn't add up. So:

7-day average: 24.43 (UP 0.14)
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