The second installment. This time a lot about vaccines. I think I will have to split it into two parts.
Let’s move on to the main topic: the inoculation of the Russian population with two fish or, more exactly, with the Sputnik V vaccine, which, as of November 18 of this year, according to a report delivered to Putin,
existed in the amount of 58 thousand copies. Let me remind you that for the vaccine to work, you need to inject it twice. But, actually, everything is in order.
This week, the UK approved a vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech for mass use. The UK did so just 10 days after receiving the data from Pfizer. And vaccinations will begin the next week. And, naturally, this news gave rise to different reactions.
Brussels, which is angered by Brexit, said the British were unforgivably rash. This is also understandable, because Europe is ruled by a bureaucracy. If you have 6 thousand deaths per day from covid, then it's a no brainer that a ready vaccine
cannot be taken immediately in order to save lives, you still have to consider it for about a month, another, or even better, a third. Bureaucrats do it very well. This way, every bureaucrat can make a remark, say: But did they foresee this? Have they clarified this question?
But from the point of view of common sense, the question is: look guys, if 6 thousand people die in your country a day, will 6 thousand people die from the vaccine, or from its side effects? If the answer is no, you have to vaccinate.
And, indeed, I am sure that the British did not even read the huge carts of documentation that Pfizer sent them. They were just using common sense. And Brussels, of course, is guided by the requirements of the bureaucracy.
Even the United States said the British were in a hurry. Also this is understandable. Because, as we recently saw with some surprise, the development schedule in the US is highly dependent on the US election schedule.
Before the November 3 elections, there was not a single vaccine. And after two or three weeks, they fell like a from a bucket. That is, Biden's win had the same magical effect on vaccines as Putin's words on the results of Gamaleya.
In fact, everything was arranged rather cleverly, because the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) announced back in July what the requirements for vaccines would be and established in the time taken for the testing should be no less than 2 months.
And somehow, by chance, it happened, as the bureaucrats from the FDA may have assumed, these 2 months ended just after the elections.
Because if they ended before the election, some voters might think that they made the vaccine under Trump and vote ...

Because there are these terrible polls, in which voters who voted for Biden were asked : “But did you know about the Operation Warp Speed,
which resulted in the production of a vaccine and in which Trump was very much involved in? Did you know the story of Biden's son and China? " And 20% say that: a) firstly, we did not know and b) if we knew, we would have voted differently.
The Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, said bluntly that you cannot inject people with an under-tested vaccine. And it turned out that this translates into: You cannot vaccinate people while Trump is president.
Actually, by approving the vaccine right away the British also shit on the American bureaucrats, because now it is impossible to dump everything on Trump. And next week, apparently, the Americans will begin to approve this vaccine.
But the most original was the reaction of President Putin. When he saw that some Britons, who, as you know, had poisoned the Skripals themselves, were going to be vaccinated starting next week, he immediately had to start a large-scale vaccination right next week and,
moreover, called our vaccine the first registered vaccine, which is simply a comical lie, because it was not so much registered as started to undergo 3rd phase testing, in which at that moment the AstraZeneca and Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were already in.
And even purely formally it was also false, because the Chinese Sinovac vaccine by this time was also formally registered and actually had already been used.
And not even a week has passed. In Moscow, vaccination began today. We stuffed the damned Englishwoman!
"The Tsar decreed – from end to end,
Down the shortest streets and longest,
On danger routs over the waves,
His generals set into the sailing –
To save the drawing and straining
On streets and in their homes-graves"
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. "Bronze Horseman".
There is only one problem with the mass vaccination of Russia, which has haunted this vaccine since the moment when Murashko, the Minister of Health, said in August that, they say, there would be a vaccine ... I think he named the date - from September or from October.
The fact is that Pfizer is going to produce 50 million doses of the vaccine by the end of the year. Of these, 800 thousand have already been delivered to Britain this week. There was a whole special operation.
A convoy of refrigerated trucks followed almost under guard for fear that it would be robbed by bandits. Then at the football stadium, the British launched a dress rehearsal, rehearsed the whole procedure of mass vaccination.
But as for Russia, as I said, on November 18, Golikova reported at a meeting to Vladimir Putin that after registration, 58,000 doses of Sputnik were released into civilian circulation. That is, this is enough to vaccinate 29 thousand people.
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