Reframing no’s and “missed” opportunities ✨ thread
Y’all know that I am always pimping opportunities of all kinds—especially in travel, small business, and education.

A deadline for a big scholarship was last night, and I woke up to a myriad of comments on TikTok and IG saying “POV: you’re just seeing this after the deadline ☹️
I want to say, I understand. Missing out on (or worse, not being selected for) something is not a good feeling. FOMO, frustration, ugh. But if I have learned anything from my 10:1 rejection rate, it’s this:

There is ALWAYS another opportunity. Always, always, always.
Always another scholarship. Always another man. Always another brand who is willing meet your rate. When you have an abundant mindset there is no such thing as a missed opportunity.

Let me repeat: It is IMPOSSIBLE to miss out on something that is meant for you.
Redirect that doubtful energy into making sure that you’re in the spaces, around the people, and in the right headspace for other opportunities to reach you. Because they WILL try to reach you. I try to make my account one of those spaces.
TLDR; “No” = “Not yet” ❤️ Keep your vibration high. Good things are on the way if you stay ready to welcome them.
I go further into reframing and delusional confidence in my ebook on the topic, Once you step into abundance losses turn into redirections, and the world opens up.
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