Right now, I have no interest in covering Cyberpunk 2077 for work.

There's the reports of crunch, but more importantly with brushes with transphobic content in the marketting, and on the official social media, I don't have the emotional energy to be the canary in the coal mine.
I'm not interested in getting into debates.

Their social media accounts repeatedly made transphobic jokes. I felt grossed out by their handling of hypersexualisation of trans bodies.

I know if I tried to play it, I'd personally be constantly on edge for more of that shit.
There is 100% value in trans folks checking out that game, and seeing if the in game content is reflective of those issues.

With the UK's current onslaught of anti trans shit, and the rollback of my rights in real life, I don't have that energy right now to be that person.
Because you KNOW I would get DAYS of shit if I made an Access-Ability episode talking about how it sucks your character's voice pitch is tied to gender etc.

That work needs doing. I did it before with Deadly Premonition 2. I don't have the energy to do it on this one.
So yeah, maybe the game will surprise us, and be amazing, and trans people I trust will tell me it's worth the time, and maybe then I might give it a look and write thoughts.

But right now, I am just tired, and I was not going to push myself to be on transphobia hunting duty.
Any time a video game releases, and ANYTHING trans related is either in the game, or part of the conversation around the game, I am expected to have an opinion on it.

On this one, at least for now, I am giving myself the gift of not engaging.
So, apparently the game deliberately tries to trigger photosensitive responses, including possible seizures, and has no setting to turn this off. Be warned.
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