When lockdowns failed to stop the spread, masking up at over 80% compliance was hyped as a way to “do more to reduce COVID-19 spread than a lockdown.”

Mask compliance is now at 95+%.

Americans have exceeded universal masking benchmarks, but it has not stopped a virus.
"Diet COVID" via masks is one of the dumbest, most blatantly unscientific ideas ever put on this earth. Just stop with this. https://twitter.com/BreezerGalway/status/1336007486751576065?s=20
San Francisco metro area: 97% mask compliance

NYC metro: 97%

DC metro: 97%

Chicago: 95%

Miami: 96%

Everyone is already wearing masks. Masks aren't working as intended.
Yep. People have been given false impression that there are millions of rogue Americans who run through the supermarket without masks on. It's fiction. Everyone is wearing a mask indoors, & in most major urban metros, most wear masks outdoors, too. https://twitter.com/AbdiPopeulist/status/1336007386260107265?s=20
I can already hear the nitpickers saying "97% isn't everyone!"

However, we have far exceeded the "universal masking" standard, which was set by the modeling people at 80%.

We did everything they asked of us. Their ideas failed again.
Exactly. If 100% is the compliance standard needed for your model to work, you're not a serious person and your ideas have no merit. https://twitter.com/AceDawg19/status/1336012202877317120?s=20
I understand that, but the problem with this line of argument is that I cannot prove a negative. It's not logical. They want masks, so the burden is on them to prove masks work. Claiming that "things would be worse" is nothing more than an escape tactic. https://twitter.com/FightVsWokeism/status/1336021276218036226?s=20
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