Realize that if Joe Biden controls the White House, they control the US borders. They will open the gates of America to the world; to Central America, Asia, and the Middle East. Mass migration will overwhelm the United States; and a Republican-controlled Senate can't
stop them. The middle- and working-classes of America, which is at least 97% of America, will be destroyed, through the mass migration of cheap labor, and the United States standard of living, and the American Dream, will be forever vanquished. Rich people will flourish; but
everyone else will experience a dramatic decline in their standard of living, with no opportunity for recovery, due to imported cheap foreign labor, which permanently displaces the American worker. In short, if you thought it was bad before Trump became president,
"you ain't seen nothin' yet." Biden will end Trump's "America first" economic policy, and reverse practically everything Trump has done. Hence, the Democrat socialists will complete their goal of fundamentally transforming America into a socialist country. This is why the
superseding imperative is to keep @realDonaldTrump in the White House, by stopping this fraudulent election. Keeping control of the senate will not stop them from turning the nation into socialist California. Nothing against California, I used to live there; but the
Democrats have destroyed it for the middle- and working-class citizens. Everyone who can leave, is leaving, to escape the destruction of their standard of living, by Democrat socialist policies. The fight for America is now; not 4 years from now, because Republicans control the
Senate. The president and commander in chief controls the US border; not the senate; and mass migration alone is sufficient to fundamentally transform America into a socialist or communist state; and the only thing still standing in the way of this, is President @realDonaldTrump
staying in the White House for a second term. Hence, those of you who have Republican senators, congressmen, governors, and state legislators, should be demanding that they openly, vociferously, enthusiastically, and tenaciously, fight for President @realDonaldTrump, against
this fraudulent election and attempt to steal the presidency from We the People. Let me be blunt: we are at the battle of Gettysburg right now. The fight for the republic is now. Thus, you need to put the pressure on timid, weak, Republican elected representatives now. Most will
only act to save the republic if you pressure them to act, by contacting them, and telling them to stand up, support the President, and use their Constitutional power in state legislatures, to fix or otherwise set aside their fraudulent elections. PA, the heart of liberty, with a
Republican-controlled legislature, has already folded. It was a cowardly act, unbefitting of the millions of patriotic citizens in the commonwealth. Only half of the Republican state legislators were willing to stand up to preserve liberty. The others are a disgrace to the
sacrifices of this nation for liberty. Today is Pearl Harbor Day, a day when America was attacked. There was great loss; but there were great heroes that day, who fought back. That is what Americans do; and what half of those PA legislators failed to do. We better recapture the
attitude of Patrick Henry, "Give me liberty, or give me death;" or we will lose our blood-forged freedom; and all the sacrifices for it, would, by our own hand today, be in vain. I don't live in a state with Republican legislators. I wish I did. Who knows; maybe the Democrats
stole this election. The Republican party should probably seek an audit to verify it, one way or the other. But those of you in GA, MI, WI, and AZ, do have Republican-controlled legislatures. They have the Constutional power, among themselves, to take the action required
to right the election fraud in their states. I don't know what they will do. They should stand up with some moral courage and remove the fraudulent and illegal votes, or hold a new election. The question is, what can you do? You can call them; you can email them, and tell
them what you expect them to do. They have seen enough evidence to act; and to do so now. When they hear from thousands of you, they will get the message. It's time you delivered it. Do it now; while there is still time. This nation belongs to you; not some elitist, ruling class.
Hence, its future lies in your hands; no one else's. I know Twitter shadow-bans my posts. They been doing it for some time. They only way this one will get out, is if you retweet it. I hope you find it worthy of doing so. Thanks; and His blessings to you ~
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