1. Maine’s Rise in COVID-19 Cases Linked to Face Masks

Fort Fairfield Journal, November 4, 2020

Data shows that Prolonged Face Mask Use INCREASES Risk of Catching Respiratory Illness.

The link has been scrubbed. Here is an archived link... https://archive.is/vRqZl 
2. The U.S. CDC reported a meta-analysis of 10 face mask studies in the February, 2020 edition of its medical Journal, Emerging Infectious Diseases which concluded face masks do not work to prevent transmission of respiratory viruses.

3. One key study cited in the CDC report was from the journal BMJ Open on April 22, 2015. 

The study concluded that use of surgical masks to control viral spread was negligible and that the prolonged use of cloth masks increased the cases of respiratory illness significantly.
5. The CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report showed that there is a 20 times greater chance of catching COVID-19 with prolonged wearing of a face mask when compared to those who never wore a face mask.    https://archive.is/aISsN 
6. It was found that of the 154 new cases of COVID-19, where patients had both a positive PCR test for the purported virus’ RNA particle and real symptoms, around 85% reported they wore a face mask often, or always, up to fourteen days prior to symptom onset.
7. It also showed symptoms of some sort of respiratory illness, but had a negative COVID-19 PCR test. 88% of the people reported often or always wearing a face mask. Around 4% of both groups reported never wearing a face mask prior to symptom onset.

PDF: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/pdfs/mm6936a5-H.pdf
8. University of Minnesota’s Centers for Infectious Disease Research and Prevention also posted a commentary concluding that cloth masks and face coverings are likely to have limited impact on lowering COVID-19 transmission.

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