Children's tales are anything but: a MOTHERFUCKING THREAD
I am DUMBFOUNDED by how SMART i had to become to understand this. You know the gist: emperor, people make clothes from a fabric so fine they're nearly invisible, emperor parades, people are quiet, child blurts out 'the emperor is naked', uproar. Now -- ANALYSIS:
There's TWO main things that jump to mind: the words of the child and that a CHILD said it. WHY? To know why we gotta go to LOGIC and GAME THEORY
In logic and game theory there's this division of knowledge: knowledge, mutual knowledge, and common knowledge. In knowledge you know something. In mutual knowledge everyone knows that thing. In common knowledge everyone knows that everyone knows that EVERYONE KNOWS that thing
The commoners watching the emperor all experienced the same: the king goes naked. What they did not know is all others experienced the same! They had mutual but not COMMON knowledge. And, thus, and this is very very frequent with bad actors in a group, they all doubted themselves
This is how you get PREFERENCE FALSIFICATION: everyone thinks the same but everyone WRONGLY thinks everyone else thinks smth else and so they DON'T ACT ON THEIR KNOWLEDGE. Bad actors use this to gaslight groups which is why you need whisper networks: to form COMMON knowledge
What happened with the child speaking is that mutual knowledge became COMMON knowledge: everyone came to know everyone knew everyone knew (sic.) everyone else was seeing the same thing. This leads to a PREFERENCE CASCADE: people go from fake-wow-ing at the king to LAUGHING AT HIM
He lost his mandate, INSTANTLY and with the words of a child. WHY? Because the child SPOKE OUT LOUD. This is the power of TRUTH. This is why TRUTH brings about coordination this is why truth SAVES THE WORLD: it REMOVES YOU from shit local optima you can't escape otherwise
And thusly, now, part 2: a CHILD spoke it. Why a CHILD? Because a CHILD is incontinent when it comes to social mores. It is like THE FOOL - it cannot, by its constitutions, follow the rules and THUSLY it can SAVE US when the rules corner us.
This is the value of the FOOL the value of the OUT-SPOKEN: they can SAVE US from TYRANNICAL OPPRESSION
None of these lessons are A JOKE. We only codified common knowledge in 1969 and false preference cascades in 1995. A MERE 25 YEARS AGO. THESE TALES ARE NOT A JOKE.
In addition to that THE TALE ITSELF is a self contained LESSON. It is NOT DRY and NOT BORING. It is INSIGHTFUL and VISCERAL and EMOTIONAL. It has a fun title that is easy to refer to and EVERYONE WILL KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN.
just saying "the emperor has no clothes" is an OBVIOUS attempt to generate common knowledge i.e. it is RECURSIVE and works as AN INSTANCE OF ITSELF -- this is THE DEPTH of these """mere""" """children tales"""
they also get taught to CHILDREN at a young age and have LAYERS AND LAYERS to peel, this is how PROPER cultural indoctrination WORKS: COMPLEX lessons delivered SIMPLY. BUILDING BLOCKS for existing in society and leading a GOOD LIFE.
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