When I started at Hopkins our planetary contingent was so small, I was thinking a lot about community building for my first graduate student and got to talking with some other early career faculty who also had students studying Titan (2/?)
I suggested we try doing a virtual reading group with our Titan students from our different institutions to help build a cohort and get folks up to speed on foundational Titan knowledge (3/?)
We did it asynchronously working through a Titan textbook and using google docs to ask and answer questions, summarize sections etc (4/?)
At one point one of the students asked a question about how far you could see on the surface of Titan b/c of the haze and absorption from atmospheric gases (5/?)
They started discussing it and the next thing I knew they were doing some calculations...well its been 6 years since those initial reading group discussions, but the result (and more!) is the paper published today (6/?)
I never did one of the reading groups again b/c my group grew, more planetary folks at Hopkins, life, etc. But it was so fun watching these students develop and answer their own question from so early on in grad school. Maybe we'll have to try it again. (7/7)
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