In light of this gay ass incident i will be posting badass toys you can get young boys. THREAD
if you are gun owning parent and want a goofy first gun for a kid (with supervision). This is a fun one.
A slingshot. Used with supervision. Can be used inside with cut up dish sponges to make pillow fort battles real as fuck

no product suggestions here. You can make low power ones with metal hardware at home depot with rubber bands or get full power ones over the counter
Legos. Legos are the thinking mans toy. However I have no idea the quality of the product these days however if you want to inject some masculinity get cobi blocks. they are lego comptatible 
If your boy is too old for legos and is into military/war shit. consider getting him a model. I suggest an aifix 1/72 scale airplane or a 1/48 scale tank. If he really likes it it can start him down an amazing hobby
Nerf guns are awesome but i have no idea the state of the product other then they now have magazines and all sorts of lasers and shit. If your boy is older than 10 just get him spring powered airsoft pistols.
when i was younger paintball was a thing. Dunno if its still going and any fields are still around , but if you want your kids moving around and doing masculine stuff paintball and airsoft are good. Just be careful because its a money pit and people who play are prone to anger.
A FPV drone. Specifically this one. Its almost industructable due to its weight. make sure you order RTF which means ready to fly

You can get all the shit in the world for your kid but if you dont spend time doing cool stuff with him its a waste of both yours and his life.
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