let's talk about psychic abilities: a thread ๐Ÿ”ฎ
feel free to do your own research on this. i don't know everything but i have experience and information that can help you get started. anywho let's get into it.
now, psychic abilities are classified as 'clairs' which is french for the word clear. there are many psychic abilties that we will touch on in this thread.
first, we have clairvoyance. this is the most commonly known ability due to the media and specifically that so raven. this ability is all about clear seeing. this allows messages to be SEEN with visions. these visuals are shown with the help of your 3rd eye chakra.
these aren't visions you will see in the physical. they're mainly in your head, you can see them with your eyes open or closed. i prefer closed but to each's own.
if you're clairvoyant, you may have very vivid dreams. you may be able to see auras of plants, humans, and even animals.
(i'm gonna define them all first and then show you guys how to strengthen your abiltities. also, we all have access to these abilties but you want to find your strong suit and use it to the best of your ability.)
next, we have claircognizance which is clear knowing. you're able to recieve information instantly about anything without any evidence or facts. these bits of information can come in like a wave. we recieve these messages from our crown chakra.
you can easily contradict yourself with this ability so don't overthink what you recieve. being claircognizant means you store a lot of information but you have to be wise with what you do with it.
if you're claircognizant, you may know when something is going to happen. you're more liable to make accurate predictions. you may be able to instantly know about people, places, things, etc without knowing them. you just simply know.
then we have clairaudience which is clear hearing. messages are recieved from within. you are able to hear songs (and this is why you may be able to sing a full song in your head and not outloud) words, and sometimes conversations.
this ability is not rare, i actually think it's pretty common. but this ability allows you to get messages by hearing things that are not physically there. these can be from spirit directly, your inner self, or simply something from the past that's useful in the moment.
if you're clairaudient you may typically hear things that aren't there, may have heard someone call your name before, or simply noises that just can't be explained.
clairsentience (clear feeling) this ability can be classified as your intuition. but this allows you to feel when things are right and when they aren't. you're able to sense energies around you and even coming from people, animals, or just the environment you're in.
we also have clairialience which is clear smelling. this is when you're able to smell certain fragrances. these scents can be very random and you may not know what it means or where it's coming from.
you can smell things from cigarettes, syrup, plants, fruits, foods, etc. there's no limitations on what scents you can pick up on.
if you do pick up on random smells that aren't around you. it can be spirits way of letting you know that they are around. you can also look into the spiritual meaning of whatever it is you're smelling for some messages.
clairambience is clear tasting, a psychic ability that allows you to taste flavors of food without consuming them.
now that we've covered the different clairs, let's get into how you can strengthen them for your practices or personal use.
so with clairvoyance you want to really use your imagination. being creative and creating art can help, watching visuals, meditating on certain areas like a waterfall, forest, etc to strengthen your visual skills. do third eye chakra meditations & affirmations also help.
you can also use crystals like amethyst, clear quartz, flourite, and a lot more to strengthen your ability. you can sleep with them under your pillow, wear them, or meditate with them.
to strengthen your clairaudience you need to LISTEN. that is the biggest thing here, little details in sound matter most here. your throat chakra is associated with this ability as well so crystals like lapiz lazuli can help you.
also, when listening to music pay attention to every instrument. you wanna focus more on the sound of the music.
all of these abilties don't require meditation but mediation helps a TON when it comes to building strength in any part of life.
to strengthen claircognizance free/automatic writing is a big help. write down a question and just start writing and let the channeled messages flow through you. and you can go back to read this. you can do this same thing with mediation, setting the intention prior.
to strengthen your clairsentience just start writing down the things you feel. this can be when you're around another person, in a new area, etc.
journaling your progress is gonna help you out a ton so get a journal to track these things. you can also use pinterest to find some exercises that can help you out.
honorable mentions: clairangency is clear touching, the ability to recieve info through touching objects, people etc.
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